Earlier this year, when season just started, my teamate bought a Chupita or whatever the hell its called (from TC), left it in a locker in our team room, four months, yes four whole months, without it ever stinking up or having flies grown out of it, it was the winter after all, and it was in a plastic bag. Our coach told us it could be full of preservatives or whatever, anyways, four months in a locker, our season ended and the basketball guys tried to clean out the lockers for their summer practice, we were pretty close by, someone thought it was recently bought and opened it....
Needless to say he let out a piercing scream that could have been thought to originate from a eight year old girl. Never got to see the taco itself but... four months.. meat, vegetables, ... He didn't realize it before he took a bite, that's what i was told.